Tips To Help Your Child Adjust To Before-School Daycare


Is your child going to be starting a half day kindergarten program in the fall? This may be the first time they will be away from home for a significant part of the day, which will be quite a bit of adjusting. In addition, working parents need to find a before school daycare program to enroll their child in so that they can be watched throughout the entire day. Here are some tips to help your kid adjust to their new schedule with daycare in the morning:

4 September 2017

Things To Consider When Picking A Daycare


It is always important to make sure that your children get the best care possible. When it is time for children to go to daycare, you want to make sure that they go to the very best daycare in your area. There are most likely going to be many different daycare providers, and each may provide great service, but you want your child to go to the best fit. There are a few different things that you should look for in a good daycare provider, but it can be difficult.

22 May 2017

Five Ways Daycare Benefits Young Children


If you've just had a baby and are headed back to work, you're likely feeling bad about having to leave your child with someone else while you are earning a living. That's certainly understandable; you want to be with your baby 24/7 during his or her formative years. However, there are several advantages to enrolling your child in daycare, over and above the fact that you are free to go to work.

21 March 2017

Child Attachment & Parenting: 4 Ways to Volunteer in a Preschool Classroom


As a child transitions from their toddler years into school-age years, it can be hard for many parents to send their child to school for the first time. For many hours in the day, the child is away from home and this can bring on feelings of anxiety. To help with the transition process and still give your child the many benefits of preschool, you can volunteer in the classroom. Instead of just hanging around the class, it will be beneficial to the teacher, your child, and other learning students if you can provide a useful experience for your volunteer visits.

19 April 2016